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metadata.pacao.dc.title: PACTI: 2007-2010: plan of action for science, technology and innovation for national development: main results
metadata.pacao.dc.contributor.author1: Brasil. Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT)
metadata.pacao.dc.publisher: Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia 2010
metadata.pacao.dc.description.resumo: In recent years, Brazilian science has achieved important advances and has become an increasingly important component for the country's development. One of the main instruments in process is the Action Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation for National Development (PACTI 2007-2010), the result of a strong partnership among the Federal Government, states and municipalities, the scientific community, businesses and various organizations of society. With the PACTI, the National Science and Technology Systems gained a stronger institutional basis and a new legal framework, especially with the strengthening of the National Council for Science and Technological Development (FNDCT), and state laws for innovation. These were fundamental steps for the sector to count on more financial resources necessary for innumerous new initiatives. As a consequence, it is already possible to verify a substantial improvement in various S, T&I indicators. Among these are more rapid human resource training, amplification of technological innovation in business, and research strategic areas and in addition to providing access to knowledge, generate more opportunities for employment and income. Science, technology and innovation polices are increasingly understood as motors for social and economic progress, and thereby should be capable of stimulating the transformation of knowledge into wealth. Progress in strengthening scientific and technological underpinnings is essential on this trajectory in which Brazil begins to assume a prominent role in the international scene.
metadata.pacao.dc.description: Conteúdo: Presentation -- Knowledge for a more just and developed Brazil -- I - Expansion and consolidation of the national science, technology and innovation system -- II - Promotion of technological innovation in enterprises -- III - Research and development strategic areas -- IV - Science, technology and innovation social inclusion
metadata.pacao.dc.subject: Pesquisa e desenvolvimento
Desenvolvimento social
Appears in Collections:Plano de ação

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