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metadata.producao.dc.title: Lessons learnt from a lifetime of learning: tips and insights for academic research
metadata.producao.dc.title.alternative: Lições aprendidas com uma vida inteira de aprendizado: dicas e insights para pesquisa acadêmica Thomé, Adriana Cursino
Akisheva, Yulia 2024
metadata.producao.dc.type: Livro
metadata.producao.dc.description.resumo: The goal is to help you to organise your research and to succeed while making the process as personalised and convenient as possible for you. We present our ideas as guidelines on several major topics related to building, working, writing, presenting, and surviving an academic journey. The advice is divided by respective chapters, and you can choose either to follow the proposed order or jump around, depending on where you are on your journey. We present what went right and wrong for us, and draw generic observations from there. (Resumo retirado da introdução).
metadata.producao.dc.description: Conteúdo: Preface -- Introduction -- 1 How to apply -- 2 How to develop an annual work plan -- 3 How to stick to it -- 4 How to write academically -- 5 How to collaborate with other researchers -- 6 How to choose conferences & journals -- 7 How to present your work -- 8 How to stay sane -- 9 Conclusion -- Afterword.
metadata.producao.dc.language: en_US
metadata.producao.dc.identifier.isbn: 9786501139722
metadata.producao.dc.subject: Metodologia de pesquisa
Pesquisa científica
Projeto de pesquisa
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metadata.producao.dc.rights.license: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.
Appears in Collections:Produção científica dos servidores

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